2021 ATP's Family Sessions

January 13, 2021 Estimated reading time: 4 min

Happy New Year!!! We made it to 2021. Our minds are full of hope, our hearts love our kids more than ever, and our souls are craving connection and joy. May this year bring happiness and infinite gratitude towards the small things in life, that hug will mean more than everything. With the new year I set new goals that align to my heart and purpose... which is storytelling and capturing candid moments. Connection and raw candid love will be at the center of every business decision in 2021. Keep reading to find everything about Family Sessions :)

Family Sessions

I call my style Real Art Photography, I define it as Fine Art inspired by candid moments. I'm after those in-between moments when your kid holds your hand, kisses your cheek, or squeezes you with the biggest hug that makes you laugh. Connection takes time, even social butterflies appreciate it when the pace is slow enough to breathe in and enjoy the moment.

In the past, I've offered mini sessions which are very popular, yet there is a limit to how much candid I can capture when the time is so short. The pressure relies then on the family to open up to me when in fact the best moments can't be rushed. Posed portraits are 100% doable in this format, you give me 10min and I'll nail the most breathtaking portraits with everyone looking at the camera and smiling. I can make that happen with shy and extroverts alike, yet Andre Toro Photography is about storytelling and feelings. It's about your heart-melting over the experience and moments captured. It's about giving you memories that your mom's soul will crave for 10 years from now! ❤️

With the storytelling and human connection goal in mind, I'll be offering these 3 types of family sessions

  • The Fairy Tale: session lasts up to 90 min, it takes place during the golden light, locations are epic destinations (details below)
  • The Journey: session lasts up to 90 min, it takes place during the golden light, local spots within 15miles of Lexington, MA
  • The Getaway: sessions last 45min, offered ONLY on specific dates/times, local spots as well.


Learn More about our FAMILY Sessions!

The Fairy Tale Family Session

These sessions will be hosted in epic locations. These locations are destinations. The whole experience is magical, that's where the name of this session comes from. These session take place during the golden hour, that's the lovely light during sunrise or sunset. Every season will have its own unique locations. Think about farms, beaches, national parks or wild refugees. It's a fabulous adventure with a drive from Boston. How far? it depends, some will be hosted as far as Acadia National Park others in Cape Cod. The session lasts up to 90 min, we enjoy the full sunrise/sunset while capturing moments that will bring happy tears to your eyes. It's Fine Art created with your family story and candid love.  Learn more about 2021 Beach Sessions.

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Book Your Beach Session Today!

The Journey Family Session

The session's name comes after my goal of storytelling, of capturing your journey, of giving you moments to look back to with teary eyes.  The session itself is the same as above, it takes place during the best golden light, it lasts up to 90 minutes and my soul will be chasing those adorable candid moments that happen in a blink. Yet for location, think about local hidden gems. These locations will be within 15 miles from Lexington, MA. Places that will take your breath away and might even surprise you, because they are close and gorgeous and you didn't know they existed. I'm scouting all the time to find these stunning local spots around Boston, the possibilities are endless. Every season has its charm. I'm after dramatic skies, golden grass, wildflowers, water, and gorgeous light. These sessions are offered year-round. Learn more about these family sessions 

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Book Your Fall Session Today!

The Getaway Family Session

The Getaway is the new addition to ATP's sessions. These sessions will be offered on selected dates, once per season. The name goes after a family's exciting goal of having a short and sweet adventure beyond the day-to-day. Giving you an opportunity to enjoy mother nature while having your family's memories among wildflowers, Christmas trees, and peak foliage. The sessions will be longer than what Mini Sessions used to be, they will last 45 minutes. This gives enough time for kids to warm up, play, and find their comfort zone. In the slower pace magic happens, candid moments are unstoppable, and your heart will rejoice in happiness. No rush, just time to enjoy and be present. Be in the look out for future open dates.


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Learn More about our FAMILY Sessions!

What's the best session for my family?

It all comes down to the type of experience you're after. All the sessions are with me (yay!) so you get the same special love regardless of the session you pick. Every session is a storytelling type of session, my goal is to capture your family's essence. I'll always be chasing the most candid and sweet moments to make you FEEL with chills and to make your heart explode with love. The decision comes down to location, a number of Fine Art Portraits, and price. 

Are you craving an adventure with memories in an epic destination with landscaping that it's out of this world? Think about a day trip to Wingaersheek Beach or even a weekend trip to the Cape, Lavender Farm or Acadia National Park? Then The Fairy Tale Family Sessions are for you. Your experience will be unforgettable, the memories will always bring you back to THAT epic trip with your loved ones.

The Journey Family Sessions are the most popular ones. These are local to Boston/Lexington. In Summer, these are even doable on a weekday after work. We spend sunset (or sunrise) together, playing and having fun. You'll discover hidden local gems that will take your breath away. These sessions work great for parents with infants or little kids who might not love the car rides or for everyone who prefers to avoid the road due to schedule constraints.

The Getaway Family session will be the most affordable session. It's perfect for those who are looking for a bit more than just Holiday cards photos, those who enjoy candid memories. It's also perfect for those who don't know me yet and would like to try me for the first time (you'll fall in LOVE with the experience and portraits, I promise, you'll end up booking a Fairy Tale the year after). These sessions take place on specific dates only, once per season. 

I can't wait to meet your family. 2021 will be a year to remember! I'll be honored to capture your family's essence.




Style away this spring with these tips!



Andre Toro is an award-winning family photographer based in Lexington, MA. She calls her style Real Art Photography, which she defines as Fine Art inspired by candid moments. Andre is a passionate soul, obsessed with human connection, and emotive storytelling. She believes love is raw, messy, and beautiful. To inquire about booking a photo session, please contact her at andre@andretorophotography.com 




About Andre Toro Photography

Andre Toro is an award-winning family and personal branding photographer based in Boston, MA. She calls her style Real Art Photography, which she defines as Fine Art inspired by candid moments. Andre is a passionate soul, obsessed with human connection, and emotive storytelling. She believes love is raw, messy, and beautiful. To inquire about booking a photo session, please contact her at andre@andretorophotography.com

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