Top 5 Reasons Why Spring Family Memories Are Unforgettable

February 15, 2021 Estimated reading time: 3 min

TL;DR | Spring is THE season for outdoor family photography, yet it's not the season that is top of mind for most families. Parents usually start thinking about family photos around Fall. That's lovely! because Fall is definitely a gorgeous season to capture a family's essence yet there is something magical about Spring. Today I'll walk you through the magic behind a Spring family photoshoot. I'll explain why SRING family memories might be the best experience for your family instead of the Fall season. You might end up changing teams and rooting for Spring as THE season for your family photos!

Estimated Reading Time: 4 min

Spring is the best time of the year for family memories. Here are 5 reasons why.

1. We're Craving Family Time Outdoors

If you live in a place with 4 seasons, such as Boston, the cold months are long. Indoor activities take most of our time. Those last weeks of Winter are the ones that we crave Mother Nature the most! The hope that comes with Spring is something so tangible. We're never as happy to be outdoors as we are in Springtime. That natural happy mood translates to adorable candid moments! Best part? the weather keeps getting better and better as the days go by!

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2. Spring Colors Are To Die For

Spring offers signature colors. If vibrant colors make you happy, Spring is your season! Your Boston Family Photographer will be following the blooming calendar for all sorts of flowers. In the same way, we chase fall's foliage we chase spring's flowers! Mother Nature puts on THE best show for us.

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Flowers Everywhere. Cherry Blossoms, Tulips, and Wildflowers!

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For me, the FLOWERS are the ones that make Spring THE season for family photos. Mother Nature puts on a show and everywhere you look there is beauty. Flowers are blooming daily. Each flower with its own calendar, in Boston we usually get Cherry Blossoms in March/April, Tulips in April/May, and wildflowers randomly! It's pure magic. 

In New England, there are so many locations that are hidden gems that bring the best out of Spring.

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3. Days are Longer, say HELLO to weekday fun!

In Spring, the weather starts to breakthrough, daylight saving hits and suddenly it's 6.30 pm and there is light outside!! The light by itself makes us happier. The family's dynamic changes automatically and more after-work BBQs, bicycle trips, playdates start. The season for outdoors fun officially begins. 

Longer days mean a weekday photoshoot is doable! It means breaking the Spring routine and having something to look forward to mid-week as a family. What about a weekday special dinner after your photo session? you're already dressed up! 

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4. Warmer days mean gorgeous styling!

Yay for way fewer layers! think about gorgeous light dresses, short sleeves, sandals. No coats, no scarfs, no boots, no frozen kids with runny noses! :) 

Moms (me included) would do anything for family portraits! We're barely in the frame, so when we book a professional photo session we would never complain if it's too cold. We buckle up buttercup and push through with a smile. Yet kids' moods do change when it's too cold. Tantrums and meltdowns are common when kids are cold. It's understandable! They prefer to be warm and cozy indoors. That's the beauty of Spring, it will never be uncomfortably cold. Kids will be happy campers throughout the session and extreme or unexpected windy COLD weather won't be a factor you need to plan for. That's such a big reason to relax, knowing that the weather won't break the family's moods.

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This session below is another example of an early Spring sunset session. A short sleeve dress with a denim jacket is all you need for magic to happen! Kids won't be cold :)

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Sunset becomes this magical time of the year. You'll never sweat, you'll never be cold. The temperature is just perfect. 

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Dads are SO happy that they can dance and play with the kids and not sweat. Everyone is comfortable in their spring outfits, enjoying the moments, and not worried about scarfs, jackets, or hats getting in the way!


In Spring, all the rivers, streams, and creeks become epic destinations for family photoshoots. There is something special about spending family time by the water. Kids love it. They get to explore and get their feet wet. Water relaxes them and they get in their happy zone. Then the snuggles and smiles are unstoppable! 

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5. Fewer Crowds, Isn't That The Best?

The best part of Spring family photo sessions is that you can expect way fewer crowds than in Fall. Spring is a hidden gem (season), not everyone is ready for family memories when the weather starts to get warm! That means that all those gorgeous locations will be beyond enjoyable and fun. 

Don't hesitate and go for it, snag your Spring photo session! If you're a family who usually has their photos taken in Fall, try Spring once and experience the uniqueness of this gorgeous season. You'll be able to compare and see for yourself everything that Spring has to offer in terms of colors, crowds, outfits, locations, temperatures, and kids' moods. Chances are you'll change to the Spring team!




Andre Toro is an award-winning family photographer based in Lexington, MA. She calls her style Real Art Photography, which she defines as Fine Art inspired by candid moments. Andre is a passionate soul, obsessed with human connection, and emotive storytelling. She believes love is raw, messy, and beautiful. To inquiry about booking a photo session, please contact her at

book your spring session today



About Andre Toro Photography

Andre Toro is an award-winning family and personal branding photographer based in Boston, MA. She calls her style Real Art Photography, which she defines as Fine Art inspired by candid moments. Andre is a passionate soul, obsessed with human connection, and emotive storytelling. She believes love is raw, messy, and beautiful. To inquire about booking a photo session, please contact her at

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Spring - Boston Family Photographer - Maternity Photo - Andre Toro Photography - Cherry Blossoms 3/5
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Beach Photo Sessions - dad and daughter dancing - Andre Toro Photography - Cape Cod 5/5

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