Newborn Session, Party of 6!

July 24, 2019 Estimated reading time: 5 min

Today I want to share with you what a Newborn Session gallery looks like when you have a big family. Meet this lovely tribe, 4 kids and 2 loving parents. Welcoming baby # 4 was a big celebration!

The family portrait

This is the most desired photo in a session! I pour my soul and heart capturing THIS moment for you, it's my favorite challenge. It's never an easy shot. With multiple kids, the probability of having 1 kid not looking at the camera is huge, chances are there is 1 kid who actually doesn't want photos in that exact moment. I love the quest behind this photo, I always use plenty of tricks and my heart explodes when moments like THIS just happens. Can you believe it? even the newborn is smiling!!! 

Mom always dreams of having this type of family portrait displayed as fine art in the walls at home. Fun fact, this photo is one of the most commonly use as profile picture in social media and makes it a great portrait in Holiday Cards too!

Having a memory of all your family together welcoming the baby is something that you'll treasure for ever.

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Mommy & Me moments

As moms with older kids, we know how fast these moments pass by. In the blink of an eye your newborn is walking around the house in a cute diaper. Having memories of this strong Mommy & Me connection is something that speaks to your soul. Your baby is so tiny, he fits in the palm of your hand. My goal is to capture moments that take you back in time. So you see these photos and remember that newborn smell, the soft skin, and the exploding love that coming form your heart! Motherhood is so worth documenting, this is baby #4 and you can feel the connection and adoration for her baby!

A mom's heart definitely grows with each kid!

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Daddy & Me moments

Dad's job is incredible. During birth he is playing the behind the scenes supporting role, he is there for you throughout the toughest contractions or in the OR holding your hand during a C-section. Everyone - rightly so - is paying attention to Mom, supporting her, loving her, stretching a hand. Dad usually looks super cool and grounded but MANY times they are terrified. Scared of the birth itself, scared to see their wives scream with pain, scared thinking about everything that could go wrong, scared watching the baby sleeps those first nights, scared about the huge responsibility of growing a family. Yet, with all this scary feelings we usually assume they're OK since they didn't deliver a baby. As a photographer I LOVE documenting Dad's loving role. During Birth Sessions, I capture Dad's commitment to the birth cause, I freeze that unconditional support to his wife, that first time he held the baby with his heart beating so fast. During Newborn Sessions, I get to capture the biggest type of love, the baby is finally THERE, the love goes from theory to reality! There is something too precious about watching a Dad hold his newborn close to his heart. All those feelings that sometimes Dads can't put into words I get to freeze in a frame. It's memorable and humbling to see Dads start a bond with their newborn right in front of my eyes. Newborn sessions happen in the first 10 days of life, so yes, right there THIS dad is starting to build a life long relationship with his 4th son. Mom had 9 months to bond, that is just starting his loving adventure and I'm there to document their love! 

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Newborn portraits

Every newborn session has the baby as the protagonist for plenty of baby alone portraits! When there are siblings I always leave this solo portraits for the end, the older kids are free to stay and watch but they usually go out to play. It's usually Mom & me playing around creating sets, letting my artistic vision run as I chase the best light. Before the session Mom & I discuss the color she likes, the style she loves, and what she has in mind. Then, the day of the session the magic happens.

Newborn Posed Photography

During baby portraits, we move from a Lifestyle Session to Newborn Posed Photography.  The magic begins and the cutest portraits come to life!

I bring ALL my props and studio with me to the Newborn Sessions. Yes, everything. I've got all sort of swaddles, crates, baskets, boxes, backdrops, posing bag, etc. You get to pick your favorite prop (s) and we'll tailor the colors and sets to your preference. The possibilities are endless! We can go for neutral sets or strong colors like this one shown below. 

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Unexpected background that stopped my heart

Little did I know that I would FALL IN LOVE with the parent's duvet. As soon as I saw it, my eyes popped with happiness. I always adapt my vision to what I see and have handy on D-day. This is real life art happening LIVE during a session. This background was incredible. Mom loves blue and beautiful blue photos she got! Did you see that cute baby smile? I think he likes blue too.

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Siblings love

I come from a big family (I was baby #6!) so watching tons of siblings together is something that speaks to my soul. During a newborn session there is all sort of portraits that I'll go after. I always come with a plan - depending on the age of the siblings I know which type of photos we can aim for - but the plan is just that, a plan. Real life is always unexpected,  for sibling shots there is usually  1-2 shots were everyone is looking at the camera (smiling if we're lucky!) and then raw candid shots play the lead role. Those candid moments are my favorite. You get to see each kids' personality. It's fun to capture them playing and enjoying each other. Years from now, those raw moments are the ones that will come to mind as you remember those blurry first days with a newborn in the house :)

Everyone smiling - that foot kills me with love!

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Love for Black and White

Without color in the photo there are no distractions. ALL you see is what you FEEL. In this series, what do you feel?

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Big Brother & Big Sister

I will love you for ever little bro.

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The one who got away

There is always 1 kid who doesn't feel like picture day. That's completely fine AND normal, I actually love it. If you just got promoted to big brother, your routine changed, and suddenly you've got a new tiny baby at home, would you want to smile and participate in a photo shoot with a new person behind the camera? Well, I wouldn't want to! My role is to manage this situations, my recommendation is to let them BE. We don't force it, there are SO many portraits we'll take that the order doesn't matter, we go with the flow. The baby AND siblings lead the pace. I adapt as we go. Once we stop a potential photo and the kid feel free to go, they ALWAYS come back. Here is a little sample of this cutie pie coming back to me. He actually WANTED photos, just his way of doing photos. So, I adapted. Isn't this the cutest candid portrait you've seen? After he felt in control, all sort of happy photos started to flow and the magic couldn't be stopped!

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Three generations

I love when grandparents are present. I always invite them for a couple of portraits! Some grandparents are hesitant, most likely they might have not styled for the photo session but I smile and hug them, taking their camera fears away - that usually does the trick and I get them in the frame for a couple of minutes.

Grandmas are the biggest support system a new mom can get. She understands what you're going through and her love is endless. Having her in the frame with you is something you'll treasure for ever. 

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In love!

Yes, they have 4 kids yet they are SO in love. It's the in between moments that define a couple. I watched this 2 lead their troops during chaos, tears, and smiles. They respect each other, they support each other. They are a team. They've got a full house but they don't forget where everything started. The 2 of them together are enjoying the most fascinating adventure called parenthood!

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Congrats on growing your family! Thank YOU for the trust and opportunity to spend a morning with your family. Getting to explore the kids' personalities and the love for each other is a real blessing. I can't wait to document your family's journey's as the years go by! 

Download Guide to having the pregnancy and newborn photo session that you want



About Andre Toro Photography

Andre Toro is an award-winning family and personal branding photographer based in Boston, MA. She calls her style Real Art Photography, which she defines as Fine Art inspired by candid moments. Andre is a passionate soul, obsessed with human connection, and emotive storytelling. She believes love is raw, messy, and beautiful. To inquire about booking a photo session, please contact her at

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